Friday, March 6, 2009

Money Joke: What You Can Buy For A Buck

There’s plenty you can do with a dollar these days. Here are some things that cost about a buck:

A newspaper

5 piece Crispy Chicken Nuggets, at Wendy’s

A Caramel Apple Empanada, at Taco Bell

A two-liter bottle of no-name soda pop, at the grocery store

A dubious hangover remedy, at the convenience store check-out counter

An Easy To Fly Funny Kite, at the Dollar Store

Two romance novels, at the thrift store

A rerun of The Office on Comcast Cable On Demand

A one-night DVD rental, from a Redbox vending machine

An MP3 of “Low Budget,” by The Kinks, at

Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America, by Barbara Ehrenreich, on (not including postage — you’ll have to take up a collection for that).

One Share of Citibank

Source: MoneyFeature Blogs

I am glad that a sorry buck can still buy so many things, what with all the inflation going on over the past thirty years.

Anyway, I am not interested in buying one share of Citibank (one of the nation's mightiest financial institutions but how it has fallen from grace), even if I happen to have some dollars to spare.

There is every possibility of the share going to zero, either from a government nationalization or the shortists bringing the bank to its knees.

