Monday, December 28, 2009

Unclaimed Money To Get You Started In 2010

unclaimed money

One man from Muhlenberg County, Jay Durall, heard about the program through iSurf News and, after doing a random check on several of his friends and family members, decided to run his own name through.

As it turned out, his name was on the list of those owed money. Durall was owed over $400.00 by the Wal-Mart Corporation. According to Durall, the unclaimed funds came as quite a surprise.

"I worked at Wal-Mart during my college years, but I had no idea that when I left there was still money owed to me," Durall told iSurf Reporters.

Source: isurfhopkins

What a great way to start off the new year , by finding out if you are eligible for unclaimed money...

Besides the $400 story, there is also another one woman from Eastern Kentucky who had $100,000.00 in stocks that she was unaware of.

You can search the online database and see if you are owed money here. Who knows, you could be the next lucky chap!

