Saturday, May 16, 2009

College Kids Prefer To Save Money With Online Coupons

Traditional coupons are not in vogue with the younger generation, especially college students. Not that they dislike saving money. Instead, they prefer online discount coupons and promotional codes.

Platform-A’s Business Intelligence's study is telling.

The study found that over 50% in the college-age group are likely to use discount codes if presented online even though they are historically disinterested in traditional coupons.

Young couples who do not yet have children are most likely to use promos codes. This is odd as you will think young families have a greater impetus to save money than their childless counterparts.

The difference lies in the comfort of youngsters in using modern technology. The study found, that almost 25% of coupon clippers are senior citizens (a group that is not at all likely to look for online discount codes).

As technology improves to allow for more methods of using discount codes online and via mobile phones, it is likely that the trend towards increased use of these coupons by younger generations will continue.

